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November 8, 2022

Getting Feedback

Getting Feedback

Today we’re talking about the best places to get early feedback on your product or service.

1. Your personal network. Friends and friends of friends are far and away the best place to get early feedback. This is because your existing personal relationship both gives you access to their time and, hopefully, an honest opinion. Be sure to give them the freedom to speak plainly.

2. Asking for advice. This is cold outreach to people within your target market — the potential users. But rather than ask them to try or buy your offering, you’re going to ask them for advice. Tell them you need their deep insights as you’re building a product just for them.

3. Some other channels that founders often use are: conferences — try to hustle for a free ticket if you can, and for those with relevant industry experience — consulting and content marketing can also work very well.

Best of luck out there.

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Ash Rust

Ash Rust

Managing Partner, Sterling Road

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